Requirements for Fuerte Foundation grants
- Only applications from entities that are in line with the mission of Fuerte Foundation will be accepted.
- Be an entity legally constituted entity and recognized and registered in the corresponding registry.
- Be non-profit oriented.
- Have, among its institutional purposes, activities in line with the requested project.
- Have a minimum of 3 years of experience since legal recognition.
- Be able to ensure the execution of the project.
- Have experience in projects similar to those requested.
- Membership of networks or coordination platforms will be valued.
- Deadline for submission: The deadline for submitting calls for proposals for Fuerte Foundation projects must be no later than October 20 of the current year.
- Format: Applications may be made on the form provided on this website, on paper or by e-mail to the following address;
- Form: The form must be accompanied by the following documentation:
- Legalized copy of the organization’s constitution.
- Brief curriculum of the institution.
- Statutes of the institution.
- Information on membership of networks or coordination platforms (if any).
- Report of activities of the previous year.
- Previous year’s financial report.
- Number of partners.
- Organization chart of the entity.
- Legalized copy of the tax ID card.
- Legalized photocopy of the ID card of the person who signs the application and the accreditation of their capacity to represent the entity.
- In the case of projects involving purchases or works, a proforma (official) and detailed budget must be submitted.
- Project Timeline.
- Analysis of the viability of the proposal, both socially and economically.
- Justification and background of the proposal.
- Affidavit of compliance with the project in the requested time frame and forms, in case the programme is approved.
The applications will be analysed by Fuerte Foundation’s secretariat with regard to their compliance with the minimum requirements of the applicant. Once the secretariat has received the application, it will be sent to the foundation’s evaluation committee, and the Board of Trustees will be responsible for its final approval.
Once the project has been approved, Fuerte Foundation reserves the right to pay the established amount in one or more instalments, depending on the amount granted, and this will be paid whenever the applicant presents an invoice for payment.
Depending on the case, Fuerte Foundation may request one or more partial rendering of accounts before the total payment is made.
The applicant undertakes (in writing) to provide detailed accounts by means of the corresponding invoices and to issue all narrative reports requested.
In the event of a pandemic, war or a national or global disaster, Fuerte Foundation reserves the right to revoke the pledged aid, with prior communication from our entity.
Fuerte Foundation may use the information from the approved programme to disseminate the social, cultural and environmental actions that are carried out. In turn, the entity receiving the financial aid undertakes to disseminate the support received, in all of its public communications.